Monday, September 24, 2007

Management Volunteer Program - Highway Cleanup

Highway Cleanup, originally uploaded by thoth188.

I used to be an active volunteer in Taiwan. When I come to US, I wonder is there also a way to contribute to local community? The answer is the management volunteer program.

This is the first activity of the program, which is a not attractive one - highway cleanup on Sept. 22. There were only a few members coming to clean the road. But it was fun. What we picked up most are bottles, cans, and cups. Not many trash as we expected, since this is not an interstate. Someone even found a flat tire, a metal plate, a pack of cigarette, and a long board of wood. You may click on the photo and get the location where this photo was taken.

I heard that next time we will hold a trick-or-treat activity on Halloween! I've never had Halloween before and I look forward to joining again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.