Monday, September 24, 2007

Management Volunteer Program - Highway Cleanup

Highway Cleanup, originally uploaded by thoth188.

I used to be an active volunteer in Taiwan. When I come to US, I wonder is there also a way to contribute to local community? The answer is the management volunteer program.

This is the first activity of the program, which is a not attractive one - highway cleanup on Sept. 22. There were only a few members coming to clean the road. But it was fun. What we picked up most are bottles, cans, and cups. Not many trash as we expected, since this is not an interstate. Someone even found a flat tire, a metal plate, a pack of cigarette, and a long board of wood. You may click on the photo and get the location where this photo was taken.

I heard that next time we will hold a trick-or-treat activity on Halloween! I've never had Halloween before and I look forward to joining again.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Moon cakes!, originally uploaded by thoth188.




月餅 - moon cake
蓮蓉餡 - lotus seed paste
棗泥餡 - jujube paste
豆沙餡 - sweet bean paste


Sunday, September 16, 2007

A wonderful week!

在經過 mid-term 以及 presentation 的洗禮之後,這禮拜的活動超多的。

禮拜五學校安排我們到位於 Brookston 的 Camp Tecumseh 做 team building 的活動,距離學校大約 40 分鐘的車程。對於已經同甘共苦一個月的 team 而言,這個活動好像有點晚了些。這張照片就是我的 teammates,中間那個則是二年級的 mentor。

到了 camp 之後當然就是各個帶開去玩活動,而這些活動的目的不外乎是要增加團隊之間的默契。我們總共玩了以下幾個遊戲。

  1. 傳球說人名:也就是認識其他 team member 的活動。
  2. 水管傳彈珠:members 每個人都拿著一根約 30 cm長的水管,但是要把彈珠傳到 10 公尺遠的地方。這裡我們練習好多次最後終於成功了。
  3. 翹翹板平衡:怎樣把 12 個 members 一起在平衡地在大翹翹板上,板子還不能觸地超過三次。I think we did a good job at this one.
  4. 竹筏求生:把所有人都擠到一個小小的板子上,no one is left behind. 超擠的。
  5. 走繩索:還有三個 members 眼睛被矇起來。這真的需要其他隊員的幫忙才有辦法走完的。
  6. 渡河遊戲:怎麼用三根長木板把所有人從河的一邊運到另一邊呢?湖中間只有幾塊石頭可以支撐。在這裡我們耗掉最多時間,因為每塊石頭之間的距離不一,需要用兩塊板子搭成 T 型的橋才能完成。不過我也認為這個是最好玩的活動。
  7. 過河拆橋:這次每個人只有長約50公分的木條,必須在每根木頭都有人碰到的限制下從一邊走到另一邊,因此頭尾那兩個人最辛苦了,必須一邊碰著木頭一邊動作。(還好我在中間)
在經過這次的活動之後,team的感情真的有變好,也變得更信任自己的 teammate 了, 因為很多活動是一定要靠團隊合作才能完成。


話說禮拜六我人都已經在 study room 把 case book 打開要開始念了,突然學長衝進來問說有沒有人要去看 football game,這...接下來發生什麼事你應該已經知道了吧!

是的,我去看了生平第一場 American football game: Purdue v.s. Central Michigan!!!!

會場大家好像都瘋了一樣,有的人已經喝得爛醉,有的奇裝異服,不過大家都很有默契的穿著我們 Boilermakers 的 signature color - 黑色。一開始我還不太熟悉 football 的規則,不過在學長的解說之下,也慢慢搞懂各種進攻防守的 rule。當然還有許多各式各樣的口號跟手勢等等。

每次只要我們有一個 touchdown,全場就像瘋了一樣的歡呼。一方面是對於 TD 本身,另一方面也是因為每一個 TD 可以帶來在書店買服飾 5% 的折扣。今天 Boilders 以 45-22 贏了 CMU,有六次的 TD,所以下禮拜一可以去搶七折的衣服囉!

Go Boilers~~ Go Boilers~~

Friday, September 14, 2007

999 When we are not together

This is an activity that we hold at specific time about every half year. Last time we held the event at 333, which means that we need to take a photo at the place you are at 3:33am or 3:33 pm sharp on March 3, and then write a short paragraph about your feeling. The event holder will collect each and every one's work then post it online.

We scheduled another event at 999, which means that I have to take a picture at 9am or 9pm on September 9.

Unfortunately, I have 2 mid-term exams coming the next week and another presentation. So I was in sleep at 9am and in the study room at 9pm. So here you can only see a picture of Rawl's Building. And I was studying that night.

Hope next time there will be a picture outside the university. Click here to see what every one else has.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jogging through campus


想想今天的時間是怎麼消耗的,上完課之後補吃午餐,在大家暱稱"挖鼻屎"的 Arby's 用 coupon 買了套餐之後,回宿舍一邊洗衣服、一邊做著 Mid-term 的 sample quiz。就這樣時間就沒了。

果然如學長姐所說,time management 也是教學的一部分。

自從 labor day 假期之後,整個人忙得不可開交。天天 meeting 不說,homework, report, presentation 如雪片般飛來,忙到連更新 blog 的時間都沒有。

儘管如此,去芝加哥玩的照片,還是硬擠出時間整理好了(請按這裡連到flickr) 。遊記就之後再補。

今天慢跑的路線,是從宿舍出發,到了 village 之後繞路返回。原本預估兩圈應該會花掉一個小時,實際上卻只有五十分鐘左右,抵達終點時離八點五分天黑還有一些時間,也許距離沒有我想像中的遠。

