Saturday, July 22, 2006

Review: The Lake House (跨越時空的情書)

(Comment: Please wait for the best love of yourself! )

Director: Alejandro Agresti (from Argentina)

The movie is adapted from a polular Korean movie "Siworae" (觸不到的戀人). Although I have never seen the Korean version of the movie, I still felt entertained and satisfied. Yes, there are some cliche in it, like the coincedence, the cross-timeline love story, and a predictable ending; However, the best screen lovers, Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, still win tears of every audience.

The story started from a rent house by the lake. Alejandro uses a lot of bird views in the movie to represent the loneliness of both main characters. I think it's not bad. You may hear a great number of old-style songs in the movie as well. I would say the scenes, songs, linkage, and completeness of the movie are above average. There are several touching moments which make you cry near the ending.

If you have seen the Korean one, why not try the other Hollywood version? Go to see it. Keanu and Sandra won't let you down!

(photo from imdb)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...